Little House On The Mountain

Okay, imagine this, you turn on your television flip channels for a few seconds when your attention is caught by the image of a dirt road that curves through a field, where several deer are grazing. They stop and look up, but do not run away. The picture then rolls along following the road which continues across the field to where it enters the woods. It's darker in here, but still beautiful, with trees that seem to reach the sky, and the camera continues to follow the road which begins to climb a hill. Soon, the camera turns a corner and begins to climb another, steeper stretch of road.

Alright, alright, so it's not the opening sequence for one of the shows in the new fall television line up, but it sounds like it'd be a good one. What it is, however is a description of the road from the entrance to our campgrounds to our site, which now boasts our new trailer. I have to say, it really is so wonderful to have so much space, and it's so beautiful inside. I admit, it felt a little like staying in a hotel, something that you enjoy, but it still feels a little strange because it's not a place your used to being, but that feeling will go away, I'm sure, as we get used to it. I mean, so far the kids and I have only spent one night in it, for Heaven's sakes.

Which means, opening it for the weekend is that easy too, just reverse those processes. The fan, heat, and A/C controls are on a panel on the wall. I have a double sink in the kitchen which makes doing dishes a lot easier, and a stove with an oven inside the trailer, which opens a whole realm of possibilities for meals and desserts. I know I mentioned the amount of space already, but I put so much stuff away on Saturday, and there's still a ton of space left over. That's quite a treat for a mom who's family has outgrown their house and who has trouble at home finding a place to put things, simply because there's just no more room.

With this trailer we also have more sleeping space, which means, there's room for an occasional overnight guest. My mom is actually joining us this weekend, and she's never stayed over night before. I think the pop-up was too much like a tent for her, and Mom is definitely not a camper. The kids are real excited that she'll be joining us.

I'm so sorry it took so long to get this post up. I've had a crazy week, my house is a wreck, and I think my DH is reaching the point of getting mad when I blog when the house is a wreck. And honestly, I could go on about the trailer all day, so to keep from boring you, I'll stop myself now. I wanted to get the pictures posted, as promised, before Spanky calls and yells at me again to get them posted.

Before I go though I want to thank everyone who contributed original haiku's to the comments on the "poetry" post. Such wonderful, poetic, strolls down memory lane. Keep them coming, I love them.
Anyway, your all welcome to come see our new digs sometime soon. ;)