Bookcases, Bowling Balls and Nasty People, OH MY!!!!!
Arrrgh!!!! I've just had the most aggravating day in the history of the world. Well, probably not really the most, because a lot of days can be pretty aggravating. But it was really a bad one.
I do have to say that even though the title talks about nasty "people", I really only encountered one of those today, when I was at work. I guess it really should read "A Nasty Person" but that didn't seem to pack the same punch as the plural did. And as a bit of a disclaimer here, I need you all to understand that even though my mother does enter into the story at one point and she was the indirect cause of a bit of the aggravation, I need you all to know that I do not mean to insinuate that she is nasty. I mean, sure she can be, but don't we all have our moments? I can't think of anyone I know who doesn't have the capacity to get testy now and again. (See Jen, it's okay to be grouchy sometimes.) But the point I'm trying to make here is that the woman you see in this picture with my beautiful offspring number two, is absolutely not the nasty person referred to in the title of this post. Are we all clear on that? Yes? Good. Alright, here we go:
Today my Art classes at work began and when the time for the last class came, a woman walked in who gave new meaning to the word nasty. All she did was rant and rave at me because her kid was the only one there, and why hadn't I called to tell her that he was the only one. I tried explaining that he wasn't the only one enrolled, and that our enrollment doesn't close when classes start, that we take registrations continually throughout the session so more kids may yet enroll, but she wouldn't let me finish a sentence before she was off and ranting again. Anyway, she stormed out, dragging her little boy with her, and I assure you that he wanted to stay, the poor kid. So, my darling boss, who's also one of my very dear friends came in and I told her all about it and she made me feel better about it. I really didn't want to be that woman's kid's teacher anyway if she was going to be like that. Turns out, she had tried our program out last spring and pulled a similar thing, demanding a refund. So whatever. It's her loss. Her kid's loss too, actually, but that's her fault, not mine.
So my workday ended and I went to pick up my mom and K because I had promised to take my mom, who doesn't drive, to run some errands. We went to the bank and the post office, then picked up my son at school and headed out shopping for a bookcase for my mother. We went to a store not too far away. I actually thought of going to another location of the same store that I like a bit better, but decided to go to the closer one, figuring that whatever one would have they all would have. Well, she did actually find a bookcase she liked rather quickly, but of course, it wasn't in stock. She asked one of the people that worked there if they had it and he said no, but to check with customer service as they could check nearby store's inventories to find out which stores had it. So she did that, and they said that the location I'd thought briefly of going to did, in fact, have it in stock. Mom said she'd like to go get it, and I was going to give G a call while we were in the parking lot and tell him what I was doing, but by then it was nearly 5:30 and I told her that I was tired and wanted to get home to see G before he left for bowling but I'd be happy to take her tomorrow. She seemed like that was fine, although she didn't say anything, but when I was nearly home she said "I can't go tomorrow, I'm on the senior bus, so unless we can go first thing in the morning so I'm back for 11, I can't go." I had planned to get my car tuned up tomorrow, so I said "Okay, let's just go now, then, because I can't do the morning." I did sort of wish she'd told me before I'd left the parking lot of the first store, because my handsfree set for my cell is broken and once I'd left the parking lot, I couldn't call G, as I was driving. But I figured, he's going out, and I spoke with him earlier, so it's no big deal to go get this bookcase now.
This other store is about a fifteen minute ride from the one we'd been at and due to the hour, we hit traffic, so it ended up being closer to a twenty minute ride. So we went inside and found the bookcase, which was, in fact, in stock, and just then my cell phone rang. G said "Where are you?" I explained where I was. He said "Hon, you've gotta come back, my bowling bag is in your car and I'm supposed to start bowling in ten minutes!" I said, "I'll be right there!!!"So I left my son and mother at the store, raced to the bowling ally, which seemed to take forever, to bring him his ball and shoes, then flew back there to pick up mom and R.
That was a pain, but the bookcase was heavy and bulky and wouldn't fit in the cart, so we had to wait so someone could bring it up to the front of the store for us, and there just wasn't time for that. I suspect he missed out on warming up as it was, but I know I was there before 6:30 and that is when warm-ups end and play begins, so I guess he wasn't really late after all. Anyway, my mom called later to let me know that the bookcase is perfect and she thanked me profusely for doing all that running so she could get it, and as you can probably guess, I'm really, really wiped out by now. But I'll leave you with this shot of my princess. She can always bring a smile even on my worst day. And the best part of all is, now this awful day is officially over and I can go to bed. Nite-Nite! ;)

Today my Art classes at work began and when the time for the last class came, a woman walked in who gave new meaning to the word nasty. All she did was rant and rave at me because her kid was the only one there, and why hadn't I called to tell her that he was the only one. I tried explaining that he wasn't the only one enrolled, and that our enrollment doesn't close when classes start, that we take registrations continually throughout the session so more kids may yet enroll, but she wouldn't let me finish a sentence before she was off and ranting again. Anyway, she stormed out, dragging her little boy with her, and I assure you that he wanted to stay, the poor kid. So, my darling boss, who's also one of my very dear friends came in and I told her all about it and she made me feel better about it. I really didn't want to be that woman's kid's teacher anyway if she was going to be like that. Turns out, she had tried our program out last spring and pulled a similar thing, demanding a refund. So whatever. It's her loss. Her kid's loss too, actually, but that's her fault, not mine.
So my workday ended and I went to pick up my mom and K because I had promised to take my mom, who doesn't drive, to run some errands. We went to the bank and the post office, then picked up my son at school and headed out shopping for a bookcase for my mother. We went to a store not too far away. I actually thought of going to another location of the same store that I like a bit better, but decided to go to the closer one, figuring that whatever one would have they all would have. Well, she did actually find a bookcase she liked rather quickly, but of course, it wasn't in stock. She asked one of the people that worked there if they had it and he said no, but to check with customer service as they could check nearby store's inventories to find out which stores had it. So she did that, and they said that the location I'd thought briefly of going to did, in fact, have it in stock. Mom said she'd like to go get it, and I was going to give G a call while we were in the parking lot and tell him what I was doing, but by then it was nearly 5:30 and I told her that I was tired and wanted to get home to see G before he left for bowling but I'd be happy to take her tomorrow. She seemed like that was fine, although she didn't say anything, but when I was nearly home she said "I can't go tomorrow, I'm on the senior bus, so unless we can go first thing in the morning so I'm back for 11, I can't go." I had planned to get my car tuned up tomorrow, so I said "Okay, let's just go now, then, because I can't do the morning." I did sort of wish she'd told me before I'd left the parking lot of the first store, because my handsfree set for my cell is broken and once I'd left the parking lot, I couldn't call G, as I was driving. But I figured, he's going out, and I spoke with him earlier, so it's no big deal to go get this bookcase now.
This other store is about a fifteen minute ride from the one we'd been at and due to the hour, we hit traffic, so it ended up being closer to a twenty minute ride. So we went inside and found the bookcase, which was, in fact, in stock, and just then my cell phone rang. G said "Where are you?" I explained where I was. He said "Hon, you've gotta come back, my bowling bag is in your car and I'm supposed to start bowling in ten minutes!" I said, "I'll be right there!!!"So I left my son and mother at the store, raced to the bowling ally, which seemed to take forever, to bring him his ball and shoes, then flew back there to pick up mom and R.

At 8:34 AM,
Jenny said…
Your KILLIN' me girl! Again I am laughing so much reading your story. Well, the part about that nasty art class mom was not good. But you running around to bring Gabe his "ball"... priceless!
(hee hee hee hee) I know it was not intended as a funny story... but it was!
Glad it all worked out for the best! Don't let the nasties get to ya. Happy Day! :)
At 4:52 PM,
Spincerely said…
Wow, you really did have a busy day. All that driving and shopping and driving and shopping and large items. Oh my! Is right! I think I would have gone home. I get stressed if the school parking lot is overcrowded. Hope the rest of your days have gone better! Hope that that mom doesn`t try to get her son back in your class! Not that I really know what you do, but wouldn`t one child in an art class be considered a private lesson and be a good thing anyway?
At 9:22 PM,
Kim said…
Spincerely, you're right, I really did want to go home. And no, that woman and her poor little boy are gone. Not coming back. And you probably know more of what I do than you realize, because I teach Gymboree, and I think just about everyone has heard of that if not having done it. At that age, what they really want most for the kids is the socialization, and I understand that, but the thing is he wasn't the only one in the class at all, he was just the only one to show up for the first class (oftentimes the parent's forget the first week, it's really a rather common occurance). We sort of got to the bottom of what her problem was though. Last spring, I had to sub because my co-worker had a major health crisis and had to be out very suddenly. My mom was away and I had no one to look after my little girl, so as a favor to my boss, I subbed and brought K with me. Well, this lady was doing a preview class that day, K got very upset and was crying and crying and it just wasn't going well, and this lady was offended because I had my crying kid with me and she didn't want me to be her kid's teacher. Whatever. Really, I could've told my boss I couldn't sub that day and she would've had to cancel classes, but instead I brought my daughter with me, and was criticized for that. Oh, well, there's no pleasing some people. Luckily, my boss is wonderful, and I love my job, so it all works out even in the end.
I really love it that you read my blog and comment on it. I'm having trouble getting my friends to comment, although I know they read it. My friend Dawn did once, and other than that, and Jen and you, no one has yet. But they will, I just have to keep yelling at them.
Take care. I hope I get to meet you in person October.
At 9:22 PM,
Kim said…
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At 9:19 PM,
Spincerely said…
Really - it is so hard to get people to comment. But I never really commented on anyone's blog until I had my own. I read a lot of blogs (mostly knitting) and maybe left fewer then 10 comments over the course of a couple of years. I know that people read my blog too - sometimes I'll get an e-mail or someone will say something in person, but there are not many comments. I can also tell on my blog how people get to my blog - like where they linked from or if they did a google search and some of the things that people search on and end up at my blog crack me up! I'm going to write a post about it soon. But no one really ever leaves comments. I would love to know if they liked what they read or if it was helpful, but that is the nature of the internet I guess. And you would think if you knew someone you would comment and even use Jenny's technique of making up names, but I don't know. Too shy maybe???
At 10:13 PM,
Kim said…
Alot of the problem is that they're all really really busy, and some of them end up reading my blog at 12:30 AM and they're too tired by then to do more than read it. One friend of mine said to me today, "By the time I get to read it, I'm too tired to think of anything witty to say". So, I understand that. I just wish they weren't so busy.
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