Things You Should NEVER Do On A Camping Trip

If at all possible, try to avoid camping when a tropical storm is ripping it's way through your area. It makes for a very sleepless night, with all the cracking and banging of falling tree limbs, etc.
If you do actually go when said storm is a-blowin, don't be unwilling to assist in clean up efforts afterwards. Instead, try to follow the example of the cheerful young lady in the photo above.
Don't forget to take the time during your trip to check out the local wildlife. It can be really be a thrilling experience, especially to younger members of your group.
And never miss out on the magic of watching them watch the wildlife.
Don't forget that boys will be boys and that some boys (men too) will just need to mess with the campfire, and try to be okay with that. Also, try hard not to freak out when you see a photo of just how close to his shirt said boy decides to hold a flaming stick.
Follow these guidelines, and I'm sure you and your happy campers will all have a wonderful time.
At 5:56 AM,
Jenny said…
Those are some dern good tips! Should I ever decide to camp outside a hotel... I will keep them all in mind. Especially the fire one, that's a doozy!
Great job posting pictures! I loved seeing the fam. Welcome to the blogosphere my dear!!! :)
At 8:43 AM,
Kim said…
You aren't kidding the fire one is a doozy. I admit that I can't take photo credit for that shot. It was a trip we took last year before buying the pop-up and our whole camping crowd went. Our friend took the picture, most likely when I was either taking a shower or running to the store or something and R took the opportunity while I was away to play in the fire. He's a bit more responsible about it now, but I totally flipped when I saw how close that flame was to his shirt. Grant you, it does no good to freak out after the fact, but still, it was hard to contain it. So he learned his lesson, and thankfully, those guardian angels were (yet again) looking out for him and he didn't get hurt. This motherhood thing is a tough gig sometimes. Anyway, I've loved seeing your fam too, and also hearing the comments from Matt and Mama K. Ya gotta love technology. ;)
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