You Bought A What????!!!!!
Yesterday was G's birthday. He took the day off, and we went out shopping. Believe it or not, we made a purchase, something we've both been really longing for, and we got a really good deal.
I'm noticing that none of you ever seems to post comments, the exeptions being Dawn, Jenny and my new friend Spincerely. C'mon guys you're making them do all the work to make this fun for me. It's free to sign up for an account, and no, you do not have to create a blog of your own to be able to post comments. The comments are half the fun of blogging, for me and for you, so in an effort to get you post comments, I've decided to give you a challenge. Jen is running a guessing game of sorts on her blog right now and I think I will too, just to see if I can get you to post comments.
So, the challenge is, can you guess what it is that we bought? If you are among the handful of people whom I've already told, you can comment (please do), but don't give away the answer please. If you think about it, it shouldn't be too hard to guess.
Also, check out my lovely Avatar. Her name is AvaKimmy and she's my very own alter-ego. I'm working on making my site sing, the way Jenny's does (sorry to be a copycat, Jen. Look at it as you're being my inspiration.) ;) I'm just excited that I figured out how to post her without your help.
I'm noticing that none of you ever seems to post comments, the exeptions being Dawn, Jenny and my new friend Spincerely. C'mon guys you're making them do all the work to make this fun for me. It's free to sign up for an account, and no, you do not have to create a blog of your own to be able to post comments. The comments are half the fun of blogging, for me and for you, so in an effort to get you post comments, I've decided to give you a challenge. Jen is running a guessing game of sorts on her blog right now and I think I will too, just to see if I can get you to post comments.
So, the challenge is, can you guess what it is that we bought? If you are among the handful of people whom I've already told, you can comment (please do), but don't give away the answer please. If you think about it, it shouldn't be too hard to guess.
Also, check out my lovely Avatar. Her name is AvaKimmy and she's my very own alter-ego. I'm working on making my site sing, the way Jenny's does (sorry to be a copycat, Jen. Look at it as you're being my inspiration.) ;) I'm just excited that I figured out how to post her without your help.
At 3:43 PM,
Jenny said…
Hey there girl! Great job on AvaKimmy and the singing. Way to blog! I don't mind being an inspiration as long as you mention me from time to time and you figure out how to get rid of that "edit me" on your sidebar and instead add the link to my blog! That is your new challenge!!
What you bought..
*Gone with the Wind XBox game?
*Rent - the sequel?
*Tickets to CT?
*Scrapbook supplies?
*Jumprope lessons for Twinkles?
*A microwave to thaw the freezer bras?
*Another incamper swimming pool?
*A diving board for the one you have?
*Twenty towels insribed "A Grease Fan Lives Here"
*Transfiguration lessons?
*A magic carpet?
*Manners lessons for the nasty art mom?
*An extra bowling ball, one for the car and one for home? Maybe one for the company car too?
*Two birthday cards?
(since I know the answer, this was just my feeble attempt to be amusing. Hope you were amused!)
At 4:51 PM,
Kim said…
It wasn't a feeble attempt, it was very amusing. Of course, I'm trying to buy tickets to CT, however, it seems like we can't hook up to get that figured out. As I recall, Twinkles doesn't need jumprope lessons, as she was always rather good at that. Scrapbook supplies? Well, that sounds great, only I doubt it's something G has been longing for....I guess it must be that diving board into our six inch deep camper swimming pool.
I've been trying to work on replacing edit me with your link. Who knows? Maybe today.
At 9:12 PM,
Spincerely said…
Oh man, this is hard. I don't know that much about you. You camp, your mom is NOT nasty, you have a couple of children one who likes princesses. So I'm going to have to assume that it is a more expensive time purchase to warrent this much attention and something that you haven't had before and you already have a swimming pool in your camper??? Hummm....
A video camera? A TV for your camper? A cellular modum so you can blog while you are camping - or maybe a laptop if you don't already have one??? I just don't have as many creative braincells as Jenny, so I think I may be done already. Am I close at all????
At 9:23 PM,
Kim said…
Okay, Spincerely, I guess since you are the only one to try guessing, I suppose I'll have to give you the reveal. But, before I do, let me tell ya a couple things. No, we don't really have an incamper swimming pool. I don't think such a thing really exists, but what Jen was refering to was our "flood" from last weekend. Could be a novel idea though, don't you think? Anyway, if you read my profile, you'll get the vital clue. In the meantime, I'll be writing up the post to reveal it.
At 3:30 PM,
Spanky said…
OK. I got tired of you whining that your friends don't comment on your blog, so I signed up and started my own! Let it be on your head for unleashing my inane ramblings onto an unsuspecting blogosphere!
And BTW, I know what he bought! I do, I do! He told me. Yep. But I'm not saying. So there. Can't make me.
At 12:36 AM,
Kim said…
Hey Spanky~
Took me a minute to figure out your true identity, but now I know for sure. You guys will have to come up to our new purchase soon, and for more than a couple hours this time. I can't wait till this weekend to get up there. Say hi to K & N for me. Hugs... ;)
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