Changes On The Wind
This past weekend, some noticeable changes began up at our Mountain Paradise, and I'm not strictly referring to the colors of the leaves. Also, it was an extremely busy weekend, filled with packing up, taking out, cleaning up and breaking down the trailer. Maybe it seems a bit early for that, seeing as the season doesn't end till nearly the end of next month, however, it really isn't early, because...
Okay, so it's not really a new one, it's used, a 2003 model, but it's new to us. I'll wait for next Monday to show it off to you, because it is being delivered to the campsite on Wednesday, and believe me I'll be taking lots of shots of it when we go up on Saturday. I really can't tell you how excited we all are. As I said above, it was really an exhaustingly busy weekend, but we got alot done, and got the pop-up cleaned out and towed out and dropped it off at the dealer last night. So our site went through some big changes. On Saturday, I helped G take down the carport we had covering the pop-up to give us added protection from the rain then took the kids out to lunch and shopping for a couple hours while he carefully disassembled our deck (so he can build a new one using the same boards)then cleaned the outside of the pop-up so it would be all shiny and nice.
Then, on Sunday, I had the pleasure of emptying out and cleaning the inside of the trailer. The emptying part wasn't too bad, although it would've gone more smoothly if my boy would've been a little more helpful, but what can you do. I guess it means he's a nearly ten years old. Cleaning was abominable, because it was hot inside the trailer, and it was just such a lot of work to do. I had to vaccuum down the whole trailer, the bunks, the insides of cabinets, everything. The vaccuum cleaner tore a hole in the mattress cover on the kids' bunk, and then when I had it on top of the counter top to help me reach the rest of their mattress, it fell off onto my leg and the brush gave me a horrible rug burn type thing on my leg that was all seeping and oozing and all that gross stuff (like a big blister with the top ripped off of it). At that point I broke down in tears, because the hole in the mattress cover (and G's reaction to it) and the hole in my leg happened within 10 minutes of each other, and I just couldn't handle it. I just said "I just don't know what I'm doing!" and broke down crying. At that moment, my darling friend Lisa from across the road came into the trailer. She saw I was crying and just said "What happend?" So, I swallowed back my tears and told her about the hole in the mattress cover and that G was upset (he didn't yell or anything, but I knew he was upset) and I told her about the vaccuum shredding me up and I showed it to her. So, she took charge of things. She told me not to worry about the rip in the mattress cover, because the dealer would probably be replacing that anyway. Then she very calmly told my son to go find the first aid kit, and she sat there and fixed up my injured leg as if I was four years old, which, at that moment, was exactly what I needed someone to do. She even blew on it when she cleaned it out so it wouldn't sting. Then she showed me the reason she'd stopped by. She had bought me some beautiful Jolee's stickers of trailers, one of which looks alot like our new one. She hugged me and said she'd be back to help me later and went outside to where G was watching the football game. She's an Eagles fan, and G has loved the Giants since I've known him. She asked if he wanted some company, and they watched the game together and he got all in a good mood from having someone to watch with and also because the Giants came back to win it, and then when the game was over, Lisa came back inside by me and said, "Okay, let's get this done." She helped me get everything finished till it was all shiny and ready to go. She's such a great friend, and both she and her husband, Tim, have been such a huge help to us up there. I don't know what we'd do without either of them.
So when Lisa and I were done with the cleaning, G started to close it up. We did have one more injury at that point because as G was pushing the bunks into the main part of the trailer in order to close it up, R decided to go inside and got his arm pinched when the bunk was pushed into it. G was pushing from the side, and the door is on the front, so he didn't know R had gone in. He pushed it in and R yells "Dad! Pull it back out! Pull it back out!!!" G said "Why?" R said "Because my arm is stuck in it!" Arrrgh! It looked painful (as I'm sure it was) but once we got home and the pinched up skin had smoothed itself back out, there was only a tiny scrape, so it was really no big deal.
Anyway, after the weekend of blood, sweat, and tears, we dropped it off Sunday night at the dealer and Monday G went back to the dealer and signed all the papers. They're still giving us the amount they said they would for the trade in, so I guess Lisa was right about the hole in the mattress not mattering. Sorry for the lack of photos, I promise I'll have bunches of them after next week, but I figured I'd better get this up here. There are, after all a few people who weren't told yet what we bought. But anyway, if you guessed a new trailer, you guessed right! Stay tuned till next time!
Okay, so it's not really a new one, it's used, a 2003 model, but it's new to us. I'll wait for next Monday to show it off to you, because it is being delivered to the campsite on Wednesday, and believe me I'll be taking lots of shots of it when we go up on Saturday. I really can't tell you how excited we all are. As I said above, it was really an exhaustingly busy weekend, but we got alot done, and got the pop-up cleaned out and towed out and dropped it off at the dealer last night. So our site went through some big changes. On Saturday, I helped G take down the carport we had covering the pop-up to give us added protection from the rain then took the kids out to lunch and shopping for a couple hours while he carefully disassembled our deck (so he can build a new one using the same boards)then cleaned the outside of the pop-up so it would be all shiny and nice.
Then, on Sunday, I had the pleasure of emptying out and cleaning the inside of the trailer. The emptying part wasn't too bad, although it would've gone more smoothly if my boy would've been a little more helpful, but what can you do. I guess it means he's a nearly ten years old. Cleaning was abominable, because it was hot inside the trailer, and it was just such a lot of work to do. I had to vaccuum down the whole trailer, the bunks, the insides of cabinets, everything. The vaccuum cleaner tore a hole in the mattress cover on the kids' bunk, and then when I had it on top of the counter top to help me reach the rest of their mattress, it fell off onto my leg and the brush gave me a horrible rug burn type thing on my leg that was all seeping and oozing and all that gross stuff (like a big blister with the top ripped off of it). At that point I broke down in tears, because the hole in the mattress cover (and G's reaction to it) and the hole in my leg happened within 10 minutes of each other, and I just couldn't handle it. I just said "I just don't know what I'm doing!" and broke down crying. At that moment, my darling friend Lisa from across the road came into the trailer. She saw I was crying and just said "What happend?" So, I swallowed back my tears and told her about the hole in the mattress cover and that G was upset (he didn't yell or anything, but I knew he was upset) and I told her about the vaccuum shredding me up and I showed it to her. So, she took charge of things. She told me not to worry about the rip in the mattress cover, because the dealer would probably be replacing that anyway. Then she very calmly told my son to go find the first aid kit, and she sat there and fixed up my injured leg as if I was four years old, which, at that moment, was exactly what I needed someone to do. She even blew on it when she cleaned it out so it wouldn't sting. Then she showed me the reason she'd stopped by. She had bought me some beautiful Jolee's stickers of trailers, one of which looks alot like our new one. She hugged me and said she'd be back to help me later and went outside to where G was watching the football game. She's an Eagles fan, and G has loved the Giants since I've known him. She asked if he wanted some company, and they watched the game together and he got all in a good mood from having someone to watch with and also because the Giants came back to win it, and then when the game was over, Lisa came back inside by me and said, "Okay, let's get this done." She helped me get everything finished till it was all shiny and ready to go. She's such a great friend, and both she and her husband, Tim, have been such a huge help to us up there. I don't know what we'd do without either of them.
So when Lisa and I were done with the cleaning, G started to close it up. We did have one more injury at that point because as G was pushing the bunks into the main part of the trailer in order to close it up, R decided to go inside and got his arm pinched when the bunk was pushed into it. G was pushing from the side, and the door is on the front, so he didn't know R had gone in. He pushed it in and R yells "Dad! Pull it back out! Pull it back out!!!" G said "Why?" R said "Because my arm is stuck in it!" Arrrgh! It looked painful (as I'm sure it was) but once we got home and the pinched up skin had smoothed itself back out, there was only a tiny scrape, so it was really no big deal.
Anyway, after the weekend of blood, sweat, and tears, we dropped it off Sunday night at the dealer and Monday G went back to the dealer and signed all the papers. They're still giving us the amount they said they would for the trade in, so I guess Lisa was right about the hole in the mattress not mattering. Sorry for the lack of photos, I promise I'll have bunches of them after next week, but I figured I'd better get this up here. There are, after all a few people who weren't told yet what we bought. But anyway, if you guessed a new trailer, you guessed right! Stay tuned till next time!
At 11:02 AM,
Spanky said…
Congrats on the new home away from home. The pictures G sent were fantastic, it looks great. I'm hoping we can make it up there and see it someday, but the way our lives go you'll probably have a new one by then...
As for the blog help, any help is appreciated. Photos are easy for me to edit, as that's all part of my job. I'm hoping to have time soon to play around with the HTML coding so I can modify my template too. As for all the other cool things, I haven't a clue what's really out there yet, so I'll probably need your help with that when you have a chance.
At 12:44 PM,
Kim said…
For both Avatars and the weather thing, (which is actually called a WeatherPixie, but I thought you might find that name too girly. They do have male characters as well) you can just click on them on my site and it'll take you to the site to create and then to get the HTML codes to post them into your blog. I'm pretty sure the song thing works the same way, but if it doesn't, let me know. I'll send you a link to the site, which is how I got mine. Jenny sent me a link to it. They really do have alot of songs to choose from, too, so I'm sure you'd find something to your taste. The tricky part for me with all of it was figuring out the template so I knew where to put stuff, but you can view it without saving your changes and I just did that till it was where I wanted it. But since you work in graphics, you probably would be able to navigate around the template better than I can. For me it was all just educated guesses. Talk to ya soon.
At 6:11 PM,
Spincerely said…
Is a new trailer like a new camper? Congratulations! That sounds big. I have to say though that I'm a bit disappointed that Crops a lot led me astray - I really thought you had a swimming pool in your camper. That would be really cool and I guess if you did then you could just camp in your own back yard right?
At 9:50 AM,
Kim said…
Yes, Spincerely, a trailer is a camper, and yes, it is a big one (30 foot with a slide out). After this coming weekend, I'll have lots of pictures to show you. And while a swimming pool inside the camper would be a beautiful thing, it really isn't when it's the result of a leak. We do actually have a swimming pool in our backyard at home, which, believe it or not, we leave every weekend to go up to camp. Go Figure... Anyway, we're really looking forward to this weekend when we get to use it for the first time.
At 1:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wish you well with your new home away from home. I'm sure you will enjoy next season even more.
Sorry about your leg. Hope it is healing. I'm glad an angel popped in at the right moment.
Take care,
At 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Campin' Mom:
You have a nice site with beautiful pictures of your family. In a future post, fill us in about the person who was most instrumental in the development of your love of camping, nature and the enjoyment of the Great Outdoors. A person who showed you how much fun camping can be and sparked an interest in what has proven to have such a profound impact upon your lifestyle. Please compose this tribute in the form of a traditional Haiku.Thanks for a fun site and may you have many fun times with your new trailer!
At 3:56 PM,
Kim said…
Gee, I wonder who "Anonymous" could be.... Well, Brother Dear, I don't know about the Haiku (although no doubt Jenny could do it) but you definitely can take full credit for coming up with the idea for that very first camping trip, all those years ago, when we thought "No See-Um Mesh" meant you couldn't see through it into the tent. Remember how puzzled we were when we found that we could in fact, See Um? I can't wait for you and the gang to come up and see our new digs. Talk to you soon.
At 3:58 PM,
Kim said…
Yay!!! I'm so happy you guys are commenting!
At 4:51 PM,
Jenny said…
Dear Kim,
I am so happy for you and your new trailor I decided to write you a Haiku about it. Don't remember where I got the idea though....
Here tis:
a new trailor
the sound of laughter
all around
If you doubt my haikuness check it out here
By the way, Hi Bob! Come over for a visit and see me
At 4:57 PM,
Jenny said…
Hey Kim,
Sorry that the second link in my previous comment didn't work. Once I did it and went to check it, I could see the mistake but could not edit it. Sorry about that. If you (Bob or Kim or whoever) want to go to the link "me" then just click on my name and it will take you at least to the profile page which then you can click on cropsalot at the bottom of that page. Additionally Kim's blog main page has a link too.
Sorry for the error - still learning this HTML stuff.
:) J
At 12:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Still have much to teach!
A Haiku: Five, Seven, Five...
And trailer? No "O"!
A grin to you, Jen...
The shots of Abby are great!
She looks like your twin.
At 3:13 PM,
Kim said…
Hey Bob, see some things never change. Jenny is a love, but she never was a very good speller. ;)
At 3:39 PM,
Jenny said…
Hay now,
donnt go disreepecting the sapelling of a teecher!
Thats jist knot nic.
PS - ignored the 5 - 7 - 5 rule in the effort to be a Haiku non-conformist type. So there! It was on purpose! I dont like rule followin, never have, never will.
(um yeah, only that isn't always true, maybe just about haiku)
So Bob I fear that I must say
That I prefer to poem this way
I think it is because I teach
Little ones who cannot reach
The all mightyness of your haiku
Instead just chuckle about poopoo
So that is it and I am done
Off to scrapbook and have some fun
I leave you with this funny quote
Do you remember when it got your goat?????
"Bob, levitate Kimmy, or at least TTTTRRRRYYYYYYY!"
(hee hee hee heeeeee)
At 5:53 PM,
Kim said…
Jen I'm sitting here crying! That was great!
At 6:47 PM,
Jenny said…
Kim, Kim, Kim I know what you mean. I chuckle just thinking of begging him to levitate us all!
I was between that and reminding him of the time we put this in his bed! THAT was a pretty funny moment too.
At 7:00 PM,
Kim said…
Ah, the misty water color memories of our youth...
At 7:01 PM,
Kim said…
His Haiku's are pretty awesome though. I think in my next post I'll have to put the text for my ABC book, just to save face.
At 9:59 PM,
Kim said…
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At 10:04 PM,
Kim said…
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