My New Job!!!
So, I started training at Kiddie Kandids last night, and I have to say, I think it's the coolest studio EVER!! The training is really extensive, and they have alot of policies in place that are really designed to make them the best. When I worked at Sears, they taught me to use the camera and the computer to sell the pictures and that was it. At Kiddie Kandids, everyone has to become a Certified Photographer, and the training really is set up with that in mind. Everything really makes alot of sense, and I'm sure everything is going to go very smoothly.
I already have gotten to be friends with the studio manager and assistant manager. They are both really nice and we really seemed to click. I could really go on and on about it, because I learned so much just last night and I'm so excited to work there, but I also don't want to start sounding like a commercial either, so I figure I'll just suffice it to say I love my new job. Oh, and check this out. I am so excited about that little item, I can't even tell you. I just can't wait till I have enough points saved up to bring R and K in there and get their pictures taken. I think this is going to be the second best job I've ever had. But don't worry, Deb, I'm not leaving you. You know Gymbo has my heart forever. The cool thing is, I can do both. Besides my Gymboree paychecks now have a new and very special purpose. It's going into a savings account so G and I can keep our promise and take the kids here in 2008. The plan is to go for K's fifth birthday, and I'm really getting excited about it now, even though it's still sixteen months away. At least as I'm actively saving up to go, maybe that will help the time pass. I know I can come up with the money by then.
Now that the holidays are over, I'm also starting to get antsy (that's antsy, Jen, not Auntsy, lol) to get back up to my mountain and be the Campin Mom I claim to be. Especially since the weather has been so mild. Last Saturday, we hit 70 degrees!!!! My cousin, Kelly was here for the weekend and we took the kids to play in the park. That was alot of fun, but all I could think about was being up at the trailer. I know my new job will make camping sort of dicey, but maybe she can give me a middle of the day shift on Saturdays during camping season, say like Noon to 8 pm. Camp is only an hour away, and I can go up Friday night with G and the kids and come back for work and then still be done early enough to go back and have some fun by the campfire. Then Sunday, we'll just stay up there till 5 or so, instead of heading back in the middle of the day.
Anyway, I think I'm going to close this now. I'm using the computer in the basement, and honestly, it's sort of cold down here. I really hope you all start posting comments again, I really miss that. I know I had sort of a lot of lulls in the posting, but G took over the upstairs computer and I couldn't get a post in edgewise, but now I'll be able to post again more regularly. Also, I'm working on posting some pictures soon. My pictures are on the upstairs computer at this point, but since this is the one I can use, maybe I'll start uploading them onto this one too. Then I can post them from here. But now I'm really freezing, so I'll say goodnight. Goodnight!! ;)
I already have gotten to be friends with the studio manager and assistant manager. They are both really nice and we really seemed to click. I could really go on and on about it, because I learned so much just last night and I'm so excited to work there, but I also don't want to start sounding like a commercial either, so I figure I'll just suffice it to say I love my new job. Oh, and check this out. I am so excited about that little item, I can't even tell you. I just can't wait till I have enough points saved up to bring R and K in there and get their pictures taken. I think this is going to be the second best job I've ever had. But don't worry, Deb, I'm not leaving you. You know Gymbo has my heart forever. The cool thing is, I can do both. Besides my Gymboree paychecks now have a new and very special purpose. It's going into a savings account so G and I can keep our promise and take the kids here in 2008. The plan is to go for K's fifth birthday, and I'm really getting excited about it now, even though it's still sixteen months away. At least as I'm actively saving up to go, maybe that will help the time pass. I know I can come up with the money by then.
Now that the holidays are over, I'm also starting to get antsy (that's antsy, Jen, not Auntsy, lol) to get back up to my mountain and be the Campin Mom I claim to be. Especially since the weather has been so mild. Last Saturday, we hit 70 degrees!!!! My cousin, Kelly was here for the weekend and we took the kids to play in the park. That was alot of fun, but all I could think about was being up at the trailer. I know my new job will make camping sort of dicey, but maybe she can give me a middle of the day shift on Saturdays during camping season, say like Noon to 8 pm. Camp is only an hour away, and I can go up Friday night with G and the kids and come back for work and then still be done early enough to go back and have some fun by the campfire. Then Sunday, we'll just stay up there till 5 or so, instead of heading back in the middle of the day.
Anyway, I think I'm going to close this now. I'm using the computer in the basement, and honestly, it's sort of cold down here. I really hope you all start posting comments again, I really miss that. I know I had sort of a lot of lulls in the posting, but G took over the upstairs computer and I couldn't get a post in edgewise, but now I'll be able to post again more regularly. Also, I'm working on posting some pictures soon. My pictures are on the upstairs computer at this point, but since this is the one I can use, maybe I'll start uploading them onto this one too. Then I can post them from here. But now I'm really freezing, so I'll say goodnight. Goodnight!! ;)
At 10:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
A comment.
At 6:41 PM,
Kim said…
Not really what I had in mind, but thanks...
At 6:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am so glad you are so excited about your new job. I am sure you will do very well.
Here in Natureland we have had warm weather also. The deer are having a ball eating all the grass on the front lawn. They even lay down and have a chew since the temperatures are so warm.
Good luck with all your projects.
At 11:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
This one is too easy for my students so I thought that Reese, Abbey and Spanky's Kid might get a kick out of trying to figure it out.
You are welcome to email me on their behalf in order to:
- submit guesses/answers
- receive one clue
- ask for the answer
This poem describes a person and the job they do. See if you can figure it out. Have fun!
Who Am I??
You will know that I am coming
From the jingle of my bell,
But exactly who I am is not
An easy thing to tell.
The children, all adore me
For they find me fun and jolly,
But I don't see them when the halls
Are neatly decked with holly.
My job often leaves me frozen,
I am one whom all should know,
But I do not do my business
In times of sleet or ice or snow.
I travel much for business,
But no reindeer haul me 'round,
For I prefer to do my traveling
Planted firmly on the ground.
I love the time of Christmas,
But that's not my busy season,
And assure you that's a result of Sound economic reason!
Any guesses??
At 10:55 AM,
Spanky said…
Nikki says the Ice Cream man
At 5:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nikki is correct, nice job, Nikki! That Nikki really did some job with that last Brain Teaser. Way to go, Nikki! Kudos to Nikki! (Just makin sure Ed knows I remember Nikki's name, that's all).
Here's another one that can be enjoyed by all ages. Have fun...
It's one that I like to call...
Entertaining a Chilly Fear In Style
Three words are bonded,
Through a mutual tie,
But the pattern within them,
Deftly hides from the eye.
The first brings many words,
Some made up and some true.
Can be fancy or plain,
Often borrowed and blue!
Another word is conformed,
To a word meaning "chilly"
But it's also your style,
Though I know it sounds silly.
The last word makes its home,
In the pit of our fears!
And it waits for us all,
At the end of our years.
With these words in order,
You will find a design.
Where the outsides all change,
While the middle stays lined.
Email for one hint,
Or ask for the solution.
There's just one correct answer,
There are no substitutions!
At 1:52 PM,
Kim said…
Hmmm, was this the one you meant in the email? I haven't had a chance to check even for comments lately, so I hadn't seen this one, and while I think I have the second part, you've stumped me with the rest.... Any guesses anyone?
At 3:40 PM,
Kim said…
Okay, so Reese and I drilled it down and we think the three words are books, cool and death, but I don't know how they fit together
At 2:37 PM,
Spanky said…
Well??? What's the answer man?
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