By Special Request... A New, Though Delirious Post
Alright, alright, I know it's been awhile, and Jenny so kindly requested a new post, although she hadn't commented on the last one to let me know she'd even read it. Honestly, between the whole wife/mom/Gymboree teacher thing, (not to mention the daughter/personal chauffeur thing), I've been just a little wiped out this week. I'm thinking from Jenny's post that she must've hurt her back, and I'm hoping she's alright. But anyway, apparently, she needs to be entertained, soooo here is a new post.
Nothing has been too exciting around here, at least nothing to top the hawk story. G has since spotted him again, with yet another squirrelly snack. It's funny, cause we were wishing there would be a way to control the squirrel population in our neighborhood (the wooded area behind the yard is crawling with them), so maybe the hawk is the answer to our wishes. I've been job hunting very diligently, and also trying hard to get my shopping done. Tomorrow we'll exchange names as to the nieces and nephews and see who we're shopping for. I might be nuts enough to try to shop on Black Friday. If I can go without the kids, I'm there.
You've probably guessed I'm gracing my family by not cooking our Thanksgiving Dinner. Actually, we are doing the turkey, but that's because my mom's oven at her new apartment is sort of smallish; a bit too small for an 18 pound turkey. Mine is huge and has this nifty temperature probe so you know when it's reached optimum doneness. But other than that, I'm not cooking, a fact which I'm sure, the whole gang is very thankful for. I did dress AvaKimmy up for the occasion, though I didn't place her in the kitchen, as that would sort of be a lie, since I'm not cooking, and it might cause my siblings not to come, if it led them to think that I was, in fact, cooking the feast.
I'll try to post again tomorrow night. Right now, I'm going to bed. I have to pick up the turkey at mom's early enough to get it into the oven no later than 8 am.
Nothing has been too exciting around here, at least nothing to top the hawk story. G has since spotted him again, with yet another squirrelly snack. It's funny, cause we were wishing there would be a way to control the squirrel population in our neighborhood (the wooded area behind the yard is crawling with them), so maybe the hawk is the answer to our wishes. I've been job hunting very diligently, and also trying hard to get my shopping done. Tomorrow we'll exchange names as to the nieces and nephews and see who we're shopping for. I might be nuts enough to try to shop on Black Friday. If I can go without the kids, I'm there.
You've probably guessed I'm gracing my family by not cooking our Thanksgiving Dinner. Actually, we are doing the turkey, but that's because my mom's oven at her new apartment is sort of smallish; a bit too small for an 18 pound turkey. Mine is huge and has this nifty temperature probe so you know when it's reached optimum doneness. But other than that, I'm not cooking, a fact which I'm sure, the whole gang is very thankful for. I did dress AvaKimmy up for the occasion, though I didn't place her in the kitchen, as that would sort of be a lie, since I'm not cooking, and it might cause my siblings not to come, if it led them to think that I was, in fact, cooking the feast.
I'll try to post again tomorrow night. Right now, I'm going to bed. I have to pick up the turkey at mom's early enough to get it into the oven no later than 8 am.
At 7:16 PM,
Jenny said…
Good grief I am famous! That's a lotta name recognition in that post for sure. ;) Now, for your new challenge.. the next time you mention me in the post - try to do a link to the blog too.
Glad to hear all is well with your gang. I am sure your turkey was wonderful... but weren't you the one telling me all about deep frying it? It sounds like you had it in your oven???
I did hurt my back, fairly severely. I am just starting to feel "back to life" that is until the virus from hell hit. Yet still we had a lovely Thanksgiving here and I did go out on Black Friday.
Well, happy long weekend. Hope you had fun and thanks for the new post!
At 4:49 PM,
Spanky said…
So????? How was the turkey???
At 7:20 PM,
Jenny said…
Happy Birthday!
Hopefully I will get to call you after putting the kiddies to bed.. but if not I will catch you in the morning. Hope you have had a happy day! :)
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