Like Sands Through The Hourglass...
I'm typing this actually from G's laptop (his laptop computer, I'm not actually sitting on his lap)because he started playing an online game called World of Warcraft with some of his friends, and now I'm lucky to get a minute to check my email and check for comments on here. Occasionally I get to run past Jenny's or Spanky's sites, and drop them a note saying I was there. It wasn't a big deal while I was sick, but now that I'm feeling better, I've been waiting my chance and it seems like it never comes so I decided to steal his laptop and get busy. I am feeling lots better in general, but I'm still a little run down, so I've been falling asleep fairly early.
Anyway, while I was sick, I was able to have alot of tv time, so I spent it getting caught up on episodes of Days of Our Lives... I love that show, but I rarely get time to watch it, so I dvr it and for awhile our hard drive was nearly full, and I had about three months worth of episodes to watch. So I started watching them and as of today I'm all caught up!!! Of course last week I did have a really crazy dream. It didn't have any of the Days characters, but it did involve disappearances, faked deaths and memory erasure, and I'm sure any of you whose ever watched the show would agree, that subject matter had DiMera Plot written all over it. But it was a really cool dream. It was one of those dreams where you watch it like it's a movie and you know the whole time that it's a dream, although the "you" in the dream doesn't know it's a dream. But it really was cool, and I was very very upset when I was awakened by a certain 10-year-old boy just as it got to the very cool resolution. Anyway I guess it was the combination of the cold meds and watching so many episodes in a row, but it was a really great dream.
On the reality front, I'm currently looking for a part-time job. I'm still at Gymboree and have no plans of leaving there, but I need to make a bit more money, and although there are hours available at Gymboree, they aren't available at times when I have someone available to look after K, so I've been looking for something part-time and retailish. Which is why AvaKimmy is all dressed up to go on an interview, but is standing in the mall parking lot. I'm actually trying to avoid the mall. At Christmastime, it's so impossible to park that by the time you find a spot and get to your store, you feel like you've done a full days work. Anyway, there are some little shopping centers in the next town, and I think I'm going to try to get something in one of those stores.
Anyway, I have a very very cranky, tired little girl here, so I'd better go see what I can do for her. She feel asleep in the car between my mom's house and here (literally 4 blocks away) and then curled up under the computer desk and went right back to sleep. I told R to practice his saxophone before he started playing video games and she started freaking out. G made her go upstairs, till she calmed down, but she's still pretty upset, so I'd better go see what I can do for her.
Anyway, while I was sick, I was able to have alot of tv time, so I spent it getting caught up on episodes of Days of Our Lives... I love that show, but I rarely get time to watch it, so I dvr it and for awhile our hard drive was nearly full, and I had about three months worth of episodes to watch. So I started watching them and as of today I'm all caught up!!! Of course last week I did have a really crazy dream. It didn't have any of the Days characters, but it did involve disappearances, faked deaths and memory erasure, and I'm sure any of you whose ever watched the show would agree, that subject matter had DiMera Plot written all over it. But it was a really cool dream. It was one of those dreams where you watch it like it's a movie and you know the whole time that it's a dream, although the "you" in the dream doesn't know it's a dream. But it really was cool, and I was very very upset when I was awakened by a certain 10-year-old boy just as it got to the very cool resolution. Anyway I guess it was the combination of the cold meds and watching so many episodes in a row, but it was a really great dream.
On the reality front, I'm currently looking for a part-time job. I'm still at Gymboree and have no plans of leaving there, but I need to make a bit more money, and although there are hours available at Gymboree, they aren't available at times when I have someone available to look after K, so I've been looking for something part-time and retailish. Which is why AvaKimmy is all dressed up to go on an interview, but is standing in the mall parking lot. I'm actually trying to avoid the mall. At Christmastime, it's so impossible to park that by the time you find a spot and get to your store, you feel like you've done a full days work. Anyway, there are some little shopping centers in the next town, and I think I'm going to try to get something in one of those stores.
Anyway, I have a very very cranky, tired little girl here, so I'd better go see what I can do for her. She feel asleep in the car between my mom's house and here (literally 4 blocks away) and then curled up under the computer desk and went right back to sleep. I told R to practice his saxophone before he started playing video games and she started freaking out. G made her go upstairs, till she calmed down, but she's still pretty upset, so I'd better go see what I can do for her.
At 5:59 PM,
Videos by Professor Howdy said…
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At 6:40 PM,
Jenny said…
Uh! How can you watch that stuff? Glad to hear you are feeling better. Sorry to hear of Kranky K. Hope all is well in the house of germs and nobody else gets it. Gotta run, bathtime!
At 11:56 PM,
Kim said…
Hey Jen~
Actually, Bub used to watch it and when we were staying at the house with her and Mom, when R was a baby and G was on disability for his broken wrist, she got me hooked. Now when I watch it, I always feel close to her. Not in a weird way or anything, just because it's something I enjoyed with her. K chilled out by the way, too. Now it's off to beddy-bye.
At 8:55 AM,
Spanky said…
You just can't trust thos DiMera's! They'll always find a way to thwart your plans, whether it be by faking an explosion on a ship to make everyone think you're dead, only to resurface later as a princess, or by kidnapping you before your wedding to a Brady or simply by being a DiMera!
Ah, for the simpler days of Vivian and her wacky schemes!
At 1:31 PM,
Kim said…
Spanky!!! I knew I'd find a fellow Days fan, I just never thought it'd be you. Do you watch it currently, or just back in the good old Vivian and Ivan Days?
At 2:58 PM,
Spanky said…
I haven't really watched it since they decided it was a natural progression to age Brady, Belle, Shawn D and the rest of those kids by 10-15 years overnight.
I long for the good old days of Viv burying Carly alive, hell even the Robert Kelker Kelly era of Bo... the good old days of him, Roman(the original, not this Hogan Family jerk) and John Black (gee, think that's a psuedonym?)kickin' some DiMera butt.
And can we forget Victor Kiriakis, "Larry", and the Salem Stalker?
The last I really saw was when everyone started to get 'killed', including Abe, Roman, and ALICE! I mean c'mon... who the heck would want to kill Alice Horton??
Um... not that I've ever watched it...
At 10:37 PM,
Kim said…
You should check it out again, although I prefer this Roman to the original, who recently did a stint on the show as the evil Dr Alex North, Marlena's first (and majorly abusive) husband. It seems Victor is turning evil again, and then there's the new guy in town EJ Wells, who, I think is going to turn out to be Stefano's son (not Tony of course, another son). Kayla and Steve are back and Bo and Billie have this horribly evil daughter, Chelsea. Then there's Patrick Lockhart, who's kept us guessing for awhile as to which side of the law he's on, but it turns out he's working with EJ, who, as I said, I'd be willing to bet is a DiMera. Sami is still up to her old tricks and it's really getting good again. Check it out sometime.
At 10:40 PM,
Kim said…
Oh...btw, when they were all getting killed, they really weren't dead, Tony was behind it all and he shipped them all off to this island where he'd built this exact replica of Salem. Anyway, Bo and John and Jack found them all and they all eventually got home okay. But anyway there's a site where you can get all caught up.
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