Home Again!!!

There were so many titles I thought of using for this post, but I guess this one says it best. In case you're just tuning in to my blog, I just returned from attending a Scrapbooking Retreat up on Cape Cod. It was the first time I went to a retreat, and let me just say, it was a blast. If you are into cropping and haven't been to one, you should. The tables were set up so we could crop all weekend long, all night long if we chose to, which incidentally, I did. I met alot of really nice girls, and got so much done. I mean, a whole weekend to crop and not to have any responsibilities to take care of. They even had a masuese come to give us massages if we wanted them! I didn't do that because I tend to find them painful, but Jenny had one and said it was great. There was a store there selling supplies, so if you needed something, you just had to walk ten feet and buy it. At one point I was blank as to an idea for a layout and I went over to the store and found some paper I liked and came up with an idea, and that is now one of the best pages in K's book. I did for the most part finish it up there. I cropped thirty pages, and most of them are among the best work I've done. I'll be posting some of the pages I think. I also took classes that Jenny taught and learned how to do altered clipboards and a really cool layout using patterned papers and chipboard alphabet letters. She has them posted on her blog if you want to check it out, use the link on the sidebar for "Crops-A-Lot".
The best part of all, of course, was seeing Jenny and (for a little while) her family. I've always loved her kids because they're hers, even though I hadn't met the boys at all and hadn't seen her daughter in so many (too many) years. Now, I love them all because in the short time I was with them, I fell in love with them. They are just such great kids. And A & M, if Mom reads this to you, remember my promise, I will see you soon. As to seeing Jenny herself, it's so great to have friends with whom the bond is so strong you can actually go years without seeing them and yet the friendship never fades away. I've been blessed to have a few friends like that, but Jen is the one I grew up with (since we were three).
Anyway, it was a great time. The food could've been better, and I don't know how I survived on so little sleep, but it was still so great. I won two prizes... One for traveling the farthest distance (from NJ to the Cape) and one for staying up the longest to crop. Since I've been home, I've been going through withdrawals.

I dreamed I came home and Gabe said he had a surprise for me and he took me up to our attic and there was the cropping room from the retreat, complete with the store and everything! What can I say? I dream big!
The pictures are, obviously from the retreat. One of our table of crazy people, and one of the beautiful view from the balcony of the cropping room! I'll post some of my pages that I did up there soon, but I wanted to get this posted. Okay, I'm off to AC Moore!
At 7:30 PM,
Spincerely said…
Sounds like you had a great time and got mucho mucho accomplished!!! Sorry that your cropping room dream was just a dream, but one never knows - maybe someday you'll come home to find your ideal cropping space! I've never actually taken one of Jenny's classes - but I've seen her in action and she is pretty awesome!
At 7:41 PM,
Kim said…
Yes, she is Spinny, and we really had a great time. It was nice getting to meet you, finally. Of course in my cropping room dream, the store wasn't so much a store as a store room. It was in my house, so why should I have to pay for the stuff, right?
At 10:12 PM,
Dawn said…
kim, i finally got a chance to come onto the site. I LOVE the pics of Reese and Kayleigh from halloween. K definitely fit the part, looks and all. We have to let the kids get together soon. Well, see u MOnday, have a great weekend!
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